Hiking Missouri
Hiking Videos and Trail Reviews of the beautiful Missouri Outdoors.
I started hiking in Missouri in 2020 and was blown away by all of the beautiful hiking trails Missouri has to offer.
The more I explore the Missouri outdoors the more realize just how many gems the Show Me State contains. In the hiking blogs posts below you’ll find Youtube hiking videos of each trail, history about the trails and the Missouri state parks their in, and trail reviews.
I’m currently writing Hiking Missouri: A Missouri Hiking Guidebook for Falcon Guides.
Search for the Missouri hiking trail you’d like to hike and see if I’ve been there!
Hiking Millstream Gardens to Silver Mines Recreation Area
Probably one of the most visually stunning continuous sections of trail in Missouri, the hike from Millstream Gardens to Silver Mines Recreation Area offers breathtaking views of Tiemann Shut-Ins along the St. Francis River and the beautiful granite and felsite rock formations of Silver Mines.